
Earn $27 in 60 Secs setup (Work from home) [PayPal Payment]

Welcome, MoneyMakingCrew with another tutorial on how to make more than $27 in 60 seconds of work. This is a real work-from-home opportunity that you can try out, works worldwide and you will see the result.

4 steps on how to work from home and earn free PayPal money

We make use of about 7 sites combined together to make this work fine and you will love it. Make sure you follow the instructions, illustrations, and procedures to get the best result!

Step one

We will first use

This is a site to earn money per thousand downloads you earn $16 per thousand downloads from the USA.

Here to earn this $16 per thousand downloads, your traffic must be from USA or Uk

But to earn $4 per thousand downloads your traffic must be from.FRANCE, SPAIN, AUSTRALIA, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, NETHERLANDS

And you can earn $2 per thousand downloads if your traffics is from JAPAN, POLAND, RUSSIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, GREECE, United Arab Emirates, BULGARIA

but for other countries, you earn $1 per thousand download

Step two

The next site we will be using is to get offers to promote

I mean affiliate offers

Here there are a lot of thousand offers you can promote for free and you earn up to $40 per sales

Just visit and register for free then choose an offer to promote by clicking the get an affiliate link( Make sure you are choosing an offer you can easily promote)

Once you do that let’s move to the next step

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Step three

Then we will also use to download awesome pdf that we can give out for free.

Here you will download a free top-notch pdf and you have the right to resell it, edit it or do whatever you want to do with it

All that 3 steps have been in place now let’s combine them to see how to earn Earn $27 in 60 Secs setup (Work from home) [PayPal Payment]

Step by Step to earn

First – Download the free PDF about a category let’s say make money online niche then we will edit the pdf and put an affiliate link in the pdf to get commission sales.

Then And move to and upload the pdf there.

The next step is to find the traffic to earn money

Step Four

Go to and search for the niche of pdf you upload maybe how to make money online

Then search for people who want to know how to make money online and offer them the pdf for free.

So a lot will download and some will click the link in the pdf and you earn a commission

And you still earn per download. That is one way to generate traffic to your link for free and just the same way you can make sure of other bookmaking websites and also social media

Extra Bonus

Another way to generate more traffic is to go to to buy a USA email list has low has 3 dollars for a thousand mail now send the free ebook to them on how to make money online

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Since it’s free lots will download it and you earn $16 per thousand downloads since the mail list is from the USA and you still earn if any of them click the link in your pdf to purchase through your affiliate link.

This is a very easy way a lot of people are using to make money online with ease and you will not know! Make sure you try different free traffic sources and when you started generating some money then you can start investing in targeted cheap traffic sources

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