
Earn $90 Per 30 Min Work (passive income Ideas 2023)

Hey, MoneyMakingCrew, It’s UsefulTunde and this is another passive income idea.

This is a video we upload on the channel some days ago so you can watch it above or below but you can continue reading the full steps here

Today we will be creating a passive income idea that you can start today for free and earn $90 in 30 Min.

We will be using about 3 different websites and I will be taking you step by step on how to go about it

The first website we will be using to generate money while the other two websites are where we will be generating free traffic fast.

STEP 1: Earn $90 Per 30 Min Work (passive income Ideas 2023)

We are going to be making use of a site called for revenue generation is a kind of app or tools that manage social media accounts

This tools will be used by a social media manager

Socialpilot helps you to manage all social media account

They help you gain more real social media integrity, followers and fans

Millions of marketers are using it but few still know about it

We are only interested in there affiliate program where it’s absolutely free to join.

Right down in the bottom of there website, you will find where it says Affiliate Program just click there and get started

socialpilot affiliate link earn passive income ideas

On their affiliate page, you will find some awesome info

You earn a 30% recurring commission on every subscription sales on the social pilot.

It has a zero joining fee

$50 is the minimum requirement for payout

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And it is absolutely monthly payment

The best part is that you can receive payment worldwide since they pay through Paypal payment method

socialpilot affiliate earn passive income ideas

Don’t forget we are here to teach you how to set up what will make you $90 in 30 min

So we will take you through how to get sales for free

Right their on affiliate page click the get started to get you to the affiliate link

Then move to the next step

STEP 2: Earn $90 Per 30 Min Work (passive income Ideas 2023)

Now after getting the affiliate link

Let use freelancing sites to get traffic

We are not posting gigs on those freelancing sites (that is time-consuming)

We are contacting those that post gigs and have been making sales

Let start with

A lot of social media managers are on Upwork making lot and lot of money

upwork social media manager passive income

When I search social media manager on Upwork

This guy is charging $8/hour and he have earned over $30,000

And probably doing it manually doesn’t know about the social pilot

‘If you are already feeling confuse you can watch the step by step video below or just continue reading it here ‘

This is where we will come in( As an affiliate marketer of

We will contact them and ask them to give us their social media account or contact us that we have a project on social media management

Do not give them your referral link on the contact form on the freelancing site because they will ban you

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And also do not use the same message to message all of them use different ways of messaging them

Then once the give you there contact then you can explain how the tools can be helpful to them and send them your referral link they should register through it

You will tell them that they can connect up to 25 accounts to this just one tool and they will earn more money and have more time to accept more client.

If they eventually sign up for the professional package because they earn more than that!

Most will just just try the professional package

This is the list of pricing

socialpilot pricing earn passive income ideas

If they uptin for the professional which goes for $25/month and they can connect 25 accounts!

Every plan is yearly!

Let’s say the $25/month plan multiplied by 12 months a year which is $300

Once they pay to purchase it you earn 30% of that which is $90

And you earn that over and over anytime they re-subscribe for life

Some maybe even UPTIN for the higher plan since they know how powerful the tools is

And how much they will be making with the tools

The Bonus

The bonus I have for you today on these articles on how to earn $90 in 30 min passive income is

You need to contact more social media account managers on other freelancing sites like

Fiverr , Peopleperhour, Guru among others to double your earnings!

Guyz its UsefulTunde: Be Useful.. To Stay Relevant.. See you on the next articles and don’t forget to watch this article’s video because that will explain even better than this and always try more ways to earn money online to have multiple sources of income!

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MoneyMakingCrew: Remember if it is not making money… It is not making sense…

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