
How To Get Student Loans For College (Advantage And Disadvantage)

Students nowadays need to borrow money so as to settle their fees in college due to some circumstances they might be facing so today we will be talking about How To Get Student Loans For College, the advantages, and disadvantages also on how to pay back the loan, and some other few tips.

Before any student take any type of loan as a student, it is important that they think about how to pay it back also it is advisable that the loan should be the exact money needed for the payment of the fees and not for unnecessary things.

Type Of Student Loans

We have two types of loans that students can apply for, the federal student loan and the private student loan.

 Federal Student Loan: This type of loan is provided by the government to help students that are in need, they are one of the best options for students in college because their loan has a flexible payment option which might come with a low-interest rate. The federal student loan program offers a few types of loans to students which include:

  1. Direct Subsidized Loan: This loan is only for the undergraduate that is still in school and is needed financially. During the period of time given to the borrower, the loan will not accumulate interest while the student is in school.
  2. Direct Unsubsidized Loan: This is available for undergraduates, graduates, and Professional students. Students do not need to be in financial need before getting this loan, this loan will accumulate interest immediately even while in school or after school.
  3. Direct PLUS Loans: This loan is also known as a parent PLUS Loan, It carries the highest interest rates and is available for only graduate/professional students.
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Private Student Loan: Some private companies and banks offer loans to students who are qualified borrowers with good credit. They also give low-interest rates to students. There are only two options to borrow from them which include:

  1. Undergraduates Loan: This loan is provided by banks and some private companies to undergraduates. Co-signers are required in this loan, the co-signer is a person that will stand as a guarantor for the student to take full responsibility for the loan in case anything happens,

This loan often has a higher interest rate than the graduate loan.

  • Graduates Loan: This loan is for graduates and professional students who really do not need co-signers. They usually have higher loan limits, longer terms to repay the money, and lesser interest rates.

How To Get Student Loans For College

Before applying for a loan here are some steps you need to follow:

Step 1. Fill out the FAFSA: The first thing you need to do before applying, you have to fill out the Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) which includes the students’ and parents’ income and investments. Based on the information you have given them, they will calculate your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) make sure you complete the filling of FAFSA.

Step 2. Make Comparison Of Your Financial Aids: The FAFSA information will be used by the financial aid office to determine the aid that will be given to you.

How To Pay Back Student Loans

Looking for how to pay back your loan as a student? Worry less, You just need to follow these steps.

  • Calculate and know the exact money you are owning including the interest rate.
  • Instruct your servicer to help you apply for overpayment to your present account, this will help you pay ahead of the due date.
  • You can enroll for auto-pay which will automatically deduct money from your account.
  • Reduce the way you spend i.e don’t spend unnecessarily.
  • Make use of the financial bonus you get from work or otherwise to settle the loan.
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Advantages Of Student Loan

Student loan has a lot of advantages for students in college to help them finish their program without financial challenges. Here is some advantage of student loans:

  • It is easy to apply
  • The interest rate is lower so as to make the student able to pay the loan.
  • The loan does not only pay for tuition fees it also pays for textbooks, accommodation, and other school needs.
  • The period of term giving is flexible
  • It does not require valuable assets.

The disadvantage of student loan

We also have a few disadvantages of student loan which includes:

  • It can be a very long period of a term
  • A student loan can be expensive
  • Putting off other things you need to do.
  • Default on a student loan can cause a lot on your credit score
  • You have to repay the loan even if you couldn’t finish the schooling

Tips For Student Loan

Here are some tips before borrowing money as a student:

  • Compare tuition fees, accommodation, and other expenses of schools before picking the school.
  • Borrow the exact money you need
  • Consider working after school or part-time
  • Make plans for the payment ahead
  • Pay the money on time or ahead
  • Be sure of what you are signing in for


In conclusion, students are now aware of how to apply for student loans and which one will be comfortable for them, as tips on how to pay their debts.

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